Advantages of men and women working together
If you don’t have both men and women at the table, on church staff, on church boards, in ministry and missions leadership, something big is missing.
Looking at my own role as the only woman on the team, I eventually learned that I did have important perspectives to bring to the table—not only about women and singles issues but about missions work in general. Our team sometimes had to make difficult decisions that would alter a person’s or couples’ lives forever; my female perspective was often different from that of the guys, but I believe it was valued and respected.
There was also an intuitive component which helped me know what my teammates were really feeling about something we were discussing. I learned to read body language and facial expressions and was often able to detect something unsaid.
When our team was on the platform before our missionary body, I believe my presence on stage with the guys spoke hope and encouragement that one day there might be more than just me in dominant leadership roles in our missionary ranks.
If you don’t have both men and women at the table, on church staff, on church boards, in ministry and missions leadership, something big is missing.
(Excerpt from Dr. JoAnn’s book The Men and Me (c) 2023)
Self-Care & Soul Care
We cannot overcome inner struggles in our own power.
A very important part of self-care is that of “soul care.” We cannot overcome inner struggles in our own power. One of the greatest builders of self-esteem is understanding who we are in Christ and how He views us as His child. So, to be all we can be as leaders (male or female), is to have constant communion with Jesus. As Christ followers, we know this; hopefully, we have set up the discipline of daily study and communion with the Lord. As a leader, especially for a woman entering the male-dominated ministry world, it is critical to our ability to lead and play well with others.
(Excerpt from Dr. JoAnn’s book The Men and Me (c) 2023)
Be Prepared
It is very important to be prepared for what God may be calling you to do.
It is very important to be prepared for what God may be calling you to do.
Academics and credentials aren’t everything needed in our preparation, but to be well qualified in our fields can put women in line for opportunities when they do come.
In my secular profession of public/community health, I had earned a Ph.D., always thinking that it was good to be as well prepared as possible for whatever the Lord had in store. A ministerial license was required for my missionary appointment, but the highest level—ordination—was not. I did not see a need to seek ordination as I couldn’t see what difference it would make, so I waited a long time to pursue it. Thankfully, a pastor who was like a brother to me encouraged me to pursue ordination. “You have the highest degree possible in your secular profession,” he challenged me. “Why not have the highest credential in the area where you are truly called?” Wow. That struck a chord, so I immediately began the application process.
Be prepared. You never know what God might bring your way!
(Excerpt from Dr. JoAnn’s book The Men and Me (c) 2023)